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Why is my dog's poop yellow?

Why is my dog's poop yellow?

Written by: Helena Lawrence



Time to read 8 min

Did you know you can tell quite a bit about your dog's health and well-being by checking the colour of their poop? That's why it's important as dog pawrents to check your dog's stool for strange colours. A good place to start though is understanding what a healthy poop looks like.

What Does Healthy Dog Poop Look Like?

Healthy dog poop is typically brown and firm. If your dog's poop is consistently yellow, it could be a sign that he is not eating a healthy diet or has a medical issue.

If you’re concerned about your dog's poop, speak with your vet, as they can put your mind at ease.

Dog poop colour chart

Why Does My Dog Have Yellow Poop?

Chances are, if you're a dog owner, you've stepped in more than your fair share of animal waste. But have you ever stopped to wonder why your dog's poop is the colour it is? The typical answer is that whatever your dog eats reflects in its bowel movements. While that's true to some degree, there's more to it than that.

Yellow poop in dogs is relatively common and can stem from a variety of causes. Some of the most common reasons include changes in diet or eating habits, such as an increase or decrease in feeding amount, feeding frequency, food type, or ingredients.

It can also be caused by disease or infection (such as giardiasis), an allergy or intolerance to certain foods, viral infections (like parvovirus), and parasites (like roundworms and whipworms). Generally speaking, if yellow poop persists for more than 24 hours, it’s recommended that you seek the advice of a vet to learn the root cause and come up with a treatment plan accordingly.

What Causes Yellow Poop in Dogs?

There are a few different things that could be causing your dog's stool to take on a yellow tint. One possibility is that your dog has bouts of diarrhoea and watery stools. Another possibility is that they could be eating too much grass, which can change the colour and consistency of their stool. 

But the most likely culprit is the foods they're consuming. If your dog is eating a diet that's high in fat or corn, chances are its stool will be soft and yellow. This isn't necessarily cause for alarm, but it's always best to keep an eye on your dog's eating habits and bathroom behaviour to ensure everything is normal. 

When Should I Be Concerned? 

Eating yellow substances and other non-food objects can cause a problem in your dog's system. While yellow poops could just be a sign that your dog has eaten a yellow object (for example, yellow crayons might be passing through the dog's system and the gastrointestinal tract), it still may be a symptom of something more serious. Taking a stool sample to your vet will clear it up.

If you notice that your dog's poop has traces of random yellow patches or stringy objects, this could be a tell-tale sign of your pet eating something with a yellow pigment or element. However, yellow poop can also be a sign of liver disease, pancreatitis, or parasites, so it's definitely something to keep an eye on.

Inflammation of the pancreas occurs as a result of digestive enzymes leaking into the pancreatic tissue. If your dog has persistent yellow diarrhoea, vomiting, or any other changes in bathroom habits, it's best to consult your vet to rule out any underlying health concerns. 

Yellow dog poop may be an indication of inflammation. In healthy intestines, there is a protective mucus layer between the food material and the intestinal lining. When there is inflammation or damage to the intestines, this mucus layer can be shed into the food material and, eventually, the faeces. 

If your dog is experiencing abdominal pain, then it could be a sign of a bacterial infection or intestinal worms. If left untreated, the problem may become worse. Intestinal infections can be treated by your vet.

What Should I Do if My Dog Has Yellow Stools?

There are a few things you can do at home if you find yellow dog poop:

  • Make sure they have access to plenty of fresh water
  • Feed them small meals throughout the day instead of one large meal
  • Avoid anything that could exacerbate their symptoms, such as strenuous exercise or fatty foods

Is Yellow Dog Poop a Medical Emergency?

When it comes to our dogs, we want nothing but the best for them. We provide them with the best food, the best toys, and the best care that we can. So it's only natural that we want to know everything about their health, including what's normal and what's not with your dog's poop. After all, our dogs can't tell us when something is wrong. 

One question vets often get asked is, "Is yellow poop a medical emergency?" While it may be alarming to see your pet's stool turn from brown to yellow, there's no need to panic. In most cases, yellow poop is perfectly normal and no cause for concern. 

Your dog's waste can tell you a lot about how they're feeling. Changes in the colour of your dog's stool could indicate anything from a mild upset stomach to irritable bowel syndrome.

When you see mustard-coloured poop or faeces covered in yellow slime, you're likely looking at bile pigmentation. Mustard yellow waste can also mean that your dog is experiencing food intolerance. You can visit your vet for an allergy test or do some experimentation to find the offending ingredient.

Keeping up with regular checkups, vaccinations, and parasite control will help to reduce the opportunity for parasitic infection to take root in your pet's intestinal tract.

What are Some Other Causes of Yellow Dog Poop?

If you notice your dog has a yellow stool, you may want to investigate. Yellow dog poop is usually a sign of food intolerance. However, it can also be due to something your dog ate.

If you are certain that your dog has not eaten any new treats or food, then the yellow poop may be a sign of a bacterial or parasitic infection in your dog's digestive tract. Dog owners are encouraged to be vigilant about their dog's poop for this very reason.

If your dog's poop turned yellow around the same time that you changed your dog's food or tried out some new treats, give it a few days to determine how your dog's body will adjust before taking medical action.

Using Probiotics

Some vets may recommend a probiotic supplement, which adds beneficial bacteria to your dog's intestine to restore balance. Probiotic supplements can also be used if you know a stressful situation is coming up; this way, you can prevent the problem before it starts. A probiotic supplement will improve a dog's gut health and stool.

Probiotics also assist in loose stools and adjusting to new food. A dog's stomach can be just as sensitive as a person's. That's why your dog's food and anything supplementary to their diet has to be top-tier quality.

Buddy & Lola's Digestion Bundles

Our Digestion Bundles are the perfect aid for helping with your dog's yellow poop. The bundles are a great combination of our Super Tummy Instant diarrhoea relief, with natural stool binding clays and added electrolytes for hydration and our Super Tummy Daily support for your dog’s digestive health, which combines prebiotics plus billions of beneficial probiotics.

The daily probiotics work by maintaining firm poops, reducing wind and increasing “good” gut bacteria whilst supporting healthy skin and their overall health.

  • It keeps dog poop firm and reduces wind. Perfect for dogs with sensitive stomachs
  • Supports normal yeast production for healthy ears and paws
  • Relieves itching and licking
  • Delivers seasonal allergy support

Final Thoughts

Like all things dog-poop-related, yellow poop might not be a sign of something to stress about. It's all about colour and consistency. A mustard yellow stool can indicate food intolerance, for example. Not to mention, our dogs are undoubtedly always exploring the next best item they can get their paws on. If your dog has been gnawing away at a yellow ball or toy, the toy's fibres can turn your dog's poop yellow as well.

However, if their poop is uniformly yellow in colour, the reason might be more concerning. It could indicate that bile pigment has not been reabsorbed and is, instead, passing through the faeces and turning it yellow. If more serious measures are needed, consider blood tests, faecal analysis, or an ultrasound belly scan.

What if your dog has loose stools or the poo is excessively yellow in colour?

This could be a sign that something is wrong with your dog’s digestive system. In healthy intestines, there is a protective mucus layer between the food material and the intestinal lining. When there is inflammation or damage to the intestines, this mucus layer can be shed onto the food material and, eventually, the faeces. Alternatively, it may be bile that hasn't broken down properly. 

Loose stool or diarrhoea may be more yellow than usual

There are many possible causes of loose stools in dogs. These may include changes in diet, parasites, bacterial infections, stress, or an underlying medical condition such as inflammatory bowel disease. If your dog has had loose stools for more than 24 hours, it is important to take them to the vet for an examination.

If your vet determines that the cause of the loose stools is dietary-related, they may recommend changing your pup’s food or introducing a bland diet for a few days until their stool returns to normal.

Common ingredients used in bland diets include cooked white rice and boiled chicken breast; however, you should always ask your vet for advice regarding dietary changes before attempting any at home.


What can I do to help my dog if their poop is yellow?

If your dog’s poop is yellow, there are a few things you can do at home to help them feel better - especially if they have a stomach upset. Firstly, make sure they have plenty of fresh water and feed them small meals throughout the day (especially if they are off their food). You’ll also want to avoid feeding them fatty foods or engaging in long, strenuous exercise, as this could worsen their symptoms.

What are the treatments for yellow dog poop?

There are a few things you can do at home to help your dog feel better if they have a stomach upset. Avoid foods that may make the situation worse (such as fatty foods and scraps), and make sure they’re getting plenty of water and keeping hydrated. Before you rush to the emergency room, try managing the symptoms at home. If it persists, take them to a vet for a proper diagnosis. Yellow dog poop isn't always a warning sign that something is wrong. They may just need something to help them with proper digestion.

Is there anything I can do to prevent yellow dog poop?

There are a few things you can do to help reduce the likelihood of your dog having yellow poop. First, make sure they're eating a balanced diet that's high in fibre. This will help dog poop remain firm. Second, ensure they're getting plenty of exercise, and third, avoid feeding them fatty foods or anything that could upset their stomach. If your dog is experiencing regular stomach problems, it's best to speak to your vet to find out what's causing them.