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What To Do if There Is Blood in Your Dog's Poop

What To Do if There Is Blood in Your Dog's Poop

If you've noticed blood in your dog's stool, you should get them to the vet. Blood in a dog's stool can be a sign of many things, some of them serious, so it's important to get help from a professional as soon as possible. In the meantime, there are some things you can do to try and figure out what could be causing the blood and to make your dog feel more comfortable. 

  • Contact your vet if you find blood in your dog's stool, but don't panic; there are lots of possible causes, ranging from very minor to more serious.
  • Hematochezia is bright red blood or fresh-looking blood in dog stool which stems from the lower digestive tract or colon.
  • If your dog is pooping, blood may indicate a problem in the gut. These can range from worms to gastroenteritis and can also be caused by food allergies or eating something they shouldn't have.

Why is My Dog Pooping Blood?

If your dog is pooping blood, it's helpful to know what might have caused it, so you can know what to do. It can be alarming to see blood in your dog's stool. After all, blood in poop usually means there's something wrong. If your dog is unwell and is continuously straining or passing blood, you’ll need to speak to your vet. 

Whenever your pet is in an emergency situation, it can be scary. However, it's important to keep calm and assess the situation. In most cases, bloody dog diarrhoea is no cause for alarm and will resolve itself. Let's take a closer look at some of the most common causes of bloody dog diarrhoea and what you can do to help your pup feel better.

The most common cause of bloody dog diarrhoea is internal parasites. These tiny creatures live in your dog's intestines and feed off their blood. While most internal parasites are relatively harmless, they can cause your dog to have bloody stool. The good news is that internal parasites are easy to treat with medication prescribed by your vet.

Another common cause of bloody diarrhoea in dogs is anal gland disease. Dogs have two small glands located just inside their anus and these glands produce a foul-smelling liquid that helps your dog mark their territory. If the glands become infected or plugged, they can leak blood and cause bloody diarrhoea. Anal gland disease is also relatively easy to treat, and your vet can prescribe the necessary medication to clear up the infection.

A more serious cause of bloody poop in dogs is hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE). HGE is a condition that causes severe vomiting and diarrhoea, often with blood. HGE is potentially life-threatening, so if you suspect your dog has HGE, it's important to contact your vet immediately. They will likely recommend bringing your dog into the clinic for treatment and observation. Treatment for HGE typically includes intravenous fluids and antibiotics. 

Bright Red Blood in Your Dog's Stool

If you see bright red blood in your dog's poop, it could be a sign of something more serious, like intestinal bleeding. Intestinal bleeding can be caused by many different things, such as cancer, parasites, or a ruptured blood vessel. So if the blood in your dog's poop is bright red, it's important to get them to the vet for treatment.

As a pet owner, it's natural to worry if you see blood in your dog's stool. After all, bloody stool is often associated with major health problems in humans. However, while bloody stool can be a sign of a serious problem in dogs, it can also have less concerning causes. 

Let’s explore some of the more common causes of bright bloody stool in dogs so that you can better understand what might be going on with your furry friend.


One of the more common causes of bloody stool in dogs is colitis, which is inflammation of the colon. Colitis can be caused by a variety of things, including allergies, infections, and even certain medications. If your dog is experiencing colitis, you may also notice that he or she is having trouble defecating, seems to be straining more than usual when going to the bathroom, or is passing smaller-than-usual stools.


As mentioned above, another potential cause of bloody stool in dogs is parasites. Hookworms are a type of intestinal parasite that can cause bloody stool in dogs (as well as humans). If your dog has hookworms, you may also notice them scratching excessively at their anus or dragging their butt along the ground. Other signs that your dog may have hookworms include weight loss, lethargy, and a poor appetite.


Trauma can also cause bloody stool in dogs. If your dog has suffered a traumatic injury, such as being hit by a car, this can result in bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, it's important to take them to the vet as soon as possible so that they can provide treatment and prevent further complications.


Toxins can also cause bloody stool in dogs. If your dog has ingested something poisonous, such as rodent poison or antifreeze, this can lead to bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract and cause bloody stool. If you think your dog has ingested a toxin, call your vet immediately and take them to the clinic so that they can receive treatment right away. 

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Finally, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is another potential cause of bloody stool in dogs. IBD is a chronic condition that results in inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The exact cause of IBD is unknown, but it’s thought to be related to an overactive immune system response. Common symptoms of IBD include weight loss, diarrhoea, vomiting, and, you guessed it, bloody stool. If you think your dog may have IBD, it's important to make an appointment with your vet so that they can diagnose and treat the condition accordingly. 

Tarry Blood in Your Dog's Stool

One of the things we monitor closely with our canine companions is their bathroom habits. We know what is normal for them and so any changes stand out. This is especially true when it comes to stool quality and colour.

While a little brightness in the stool isn't necessarily cause for alarm, black, tarry stools (a condition known as melena) are worth paying attention to. Here's what you need to know about melena in dogs.

What is Melena?

Melena is the medical term used to describe black, tarry stools resulting from bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract. The stools may also appear dark red or maroon. If you notice melena in your dog, contact your vet right away, as it can be a sign of a serious underlying condition. 

Possible Causes of Melena

There are a number of possible causes of melena in dogs, including: 

- Ingestion of foreign bodies, such as bone splinters 

- Anticoagulant rodenticide poisoning 

- Diseases of the stomach or small intestines, such as gastric ulceration, cancer, or inflammation

- Parasites, such as hookworms, whipworms, or tapeworms

- High blood pressure in the vessels leading to the stomach 

- Exposure to certain toxins, chemicals, or drugs

In some cases, melena may also be caused by blood clotting disorders or coagulopathies. These disorders can prevent the blood from clotting properly, which can lead to GI bleeding. If your dog is on any medications, speak with your vet about whether they could be contributing to GI bleeding and stool changes. 

Treatment will depend on the underlying cause of melena. In some cases, the condition will resolve on its own, and no treatment will be necessary. However, more severe cases may require hospitalisation for intensive supportive care and treatment.

Blood in Dog Poop: Everything you Need to Know

Treatment options for bloody dog poop depend on the underlying cause. If your dog is eating a diet that’s too high in protein, you may need to switch to a food that’s lower in protein.

Alternatively, if your dog has a bacterial infection, your vet will prescribe antibiotics, or if your dog has a parasitic infection, they will prescribe medications to kill the parasites. 

Treatment for bloody dog poop caused by cancer may include surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy. If allergies are causing your dog to poop blood, treatment may include antihistamines or steroids. If you are unsure of the underlying cause of your dog's bloody stool, consult with your vet.

Diet Change

If your dog's blood in its stool is due to a high-protein diet, you may need to switch to a food that is lower in protein. Talk to your vet about the best diet for your dog.

Fluids to Treat Dehydration

If your dog is dehydrated, your vet may prescribe fluids to help rehydrate them. Treatment for bloody dog poop caused by dehydration may include intravenous fluids, oral fluids, or a combination of both. 

If your dog is unable to drink on their own, your vet may insert a feeding tube so they can be given fluids and nutrients directly into their stomach.


If your dog has a bacterial infection, your vet will prescribe antibiotics. Treatment for bloody dog poop caused by bacteria may include antibiotics, fluids, and dietary changes.

Anti-Diarrheal Medications

If your dog is experiencing diarrhoea, your vet may prescribe anti-diarrheal medications to help stop the flow of stool. However, it’s important to note that these medications should not be given to dogs who are also experiencing vomiting.


Parasites can cause serious health problems in dogs, including blood loss, dehydration, and malnutrition. Your vet will prescribe medications to kill the parasites. Treatment for bloody dog poop caused by parasites may include medications to kill the parasites, fluids to treat dehydration and dietary changes.


What does blood in dog poop look like?

A bloody stool can have many different appearances, depending on what’s causing it. It may be bright red, dark red, or black. The blood may be fresh, or it may have been in the dog's intestines for a while. If you're not sure whether or not there is blood in your dog's stool, here are a few tips:

  • Check the colour of your dog's stool. Blood in stool usually has a brighter colour than faeces. Black poop normally indicates digested blood.

  •  Look for blood on the surface of the stool. Fresh blood will look wet and shiny.

  •  Take a piece of the stool and place it on a white paper towel. Blood will show up as red spots on the towel.

What home remedy is good for a dog with bloody diarrhoea?

You should never resort to home remedies for your dog's bloody poop without consulting a vet first. Even if your dog has bloody diarrhoea but is acting normal, they still might need urgent treatment. 

Normal diarrhoea, however, is best treated with Buddy & Lola’s poop support for dogs

Our all-natural, veterinary-strength poop support is created specifically to provide immediate assistance to your dog's delicate stomach in times of need. It binds bacteria and toxins, boosts good bacteria, and supports the volume, consistency, and regularity of your dog's faeces. It is gentle and effective.

  • Keeps the digestive system in good shape and makes excrement firm
  • Electrolytes and stool-binding bentonite help with hydration
  • No artificial flavours or ingredients

Why is my dog pooping blood and vomiting?

There are several possible causes for blood in your dog's stool and vomit, some of which are more serious than others. Looking out for other symptoms, such as vomit, can help you establish how to manage their symptoms and how to treat them. If you're concerned about your dog's health, please consult your vet as soon as possible to rule out any serious conditions.

If you find blood in your dog's poop, your vet may send you home with anti-inflammatory medications. Hopefully, there is nothing life-threatening going on, and you'll have a better idea of how to make your pet feel better. The vet might suggest trying your dog with new food until they pass normal stool again.

Is blood in dog poop an emergency?

Yes, blood in dog poop is an emergency, especially if your dog is also vomiting blood. Please consult your vet as soon as possible if you have noticed blood in your dog's stool.

Can dog food cause bloody diarrhoea?

It's possible for the food your dog eats to cause stomach upset, particularly when switching from puppy to adult dog food. This can cause bloody diarrhoea.

Final Thoughts

What should you do if you notice blood in your dog's poop? If your dog has blood in their stool and is showing other signs of illness or has bloody diarrhoea, call your vet. 

You should also visit your vet immediately if you have a young puppy with blood in their stool. Parvovirus is common in unvaccinated pups and can be fatal if not treated quickly. 

Various conditions can affect the digestive tract, leading to bloody poop. These include infections (viral and bacterial infections such as parvovirus), parasites (intestinal worms, coccidia, giardia) or even cancer, in some cases.

But no matter the cause, always speak to your vet.

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